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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Communication Disorder!!

I know that I don't a 'communication disorder'!

Aphasia is defined as a language disorder affecting speech, writing, reading and processing of language. Aphasia is a disorder caused by brain injuries. Most of the people who have aphasia had a stroke. However, there are lots brain injuries...trauma, brain tumours, neurological conditions that can cause aphasia.

I had a stroke 4 years ago, as a result of my stroke. I have aphasia and apraxia (another language disorder)....therefore, a communication disorders?

I have challenges with my speech, writing, reading and processing of language. By 'processing of language', I mean that I have challenges processing 'noise' that comes through my ears to process to language. I guess that why I have challenges with reading! My reading is slow. Probably because for me to read the words (which I often do...aloud) I have to say each word...either in mind or aloud (to me it seems better when I say aloud??).

Because of that, I can't seem to 'scan'when reading. I have to read word by word. And, if it the sentences are long, it takes forever! ...or it seems. I haven't finished any of the books that I'm trying to read. :)

With complex written language and longer sentences, it takes me to read the same sentence again...again...again...and sometimes I never get it! So, I 'googled' the topic to find different explanation that is easier to comprehend. And, if that doesn't work, I looked for videos to explain...'Youtube' (free video heaven)

Okay. I have language challenges! I know that. Do I have a communication disorder?


You are reading this and probably are understanding what I'm communicating. Yes? It takes a lot of time to write something. In the few seconds take it takes you to read to this point...I have written 1 hour and 30 minutes. The story I know! But, the telling of the story is difficult. Why? I told you that the 8 and 9 lines above! (While I struggled to produce the word 'above'... typed 'above'...DAMN!

So, now you know about me. Or, people who have aphasia.

I'm thinking these few months about aphasia a communication disorder. Yes, I have language challenges. And, most people would (probably) that if you have problems with language, you have a communication disorder!

If I was in a foreign country with a language different from 'ours'...English, would I considered to have a communication disorder? Would I?Really? I think most people understand that as a tourist in a foreign land, I probably have challenges with my speech, writing and reading? What you do think?

AND, some people may be patient with the tourist. But, we are proud our my country and want the tourist t0 have the best experience possible!

Do you see what I'm leading to?

We are patient with the foreign tourist...spending the time with them...explaining something to them...listening to the cues from each word that the tourist says so you have a reference source to steer from. If I had something that wasn't garbled or nonsense...some word that You understood; now You have a 'specific' to steer from. Ask yes/no questions to see if you were on the right track. You probably wouldn't be able to put words in their mouths...right...because, you don't know the language! Even though, you have difficulty understanding people who have challenges with are quicker to pick the familiar word from 'garbled'. But, we (humans) have a habit of predicting what another person WILL say...and if you are on the wrong takes more time to 'erase' those predictions from the listener.

Simple! takes time! AND, listening skills!

Nobody has the 'time'.

When I had my stroke 4 years ago, I never had time for ....anything...other that 'my' job. AND, I made so many excuses why I never that time for ....hmmm...'me'! work was 'me'???

So I, I have the 'time'. And, now I analyze everything! :)

Know what? I don't have a communication disorder. The 'WORLD' has a communication disorder!
br>We'll discuss why I think it's not's a global communication disorder! (Time at this point...okay right now my watch 'says' 10:45 (20:45 for yous hospital workers!) do my self-edit.

Finished self-edit...45 min.

Perhaps, next time I write a 'blog', I will you what's I edited. That should give you an idea of what it is when you are a person like me...aphasia!

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