Stronger after Stroke: Your Roadmap to Recovery by Peter Levine
The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Funny story
A friend asked me if my speech-language pathologist was French....she wasn't. But, most people think I French, because I sound French....I picked up an accent since I started to speech English again.....go figure! My name is French, my Dad was French...but I don't speak French!
I'm the Circle in "Square and Circle Adventures".....that's me on the right. Square (on the left) is my friend and previously care-giver. She'll probably pop-in regularly...if I know her.
I had a stroke in October 2008 just before I 50th birthday on December.
I struggle with aphasia, apraxia and right-side mild sensitivity issues such as temperature and pressure sensivities.
I want to recover fully so I can work and teach, just like I used to. Not, that it's a given!
If you want more information about me and Square, you can contact our website....
ARO Training and Consulting
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