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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On the lam

I know if you check-in on my blog, you would say that I've given up helping aphasiacs getting services for language. Seems like that. But, I've used up my ideas to ask for adult language services...I asked everyone that I could...Minister of Health, Minister of Education, Minister of Community Services, etc, etc without satisfaction. Now what?

Well, I don't have the money to funded adult language services myself...although, I updated my will that made a gift of $10,000 to the School of Communication at Dalhousie University to help with Nova Scotia Regional Aphasia Communication Groups. AND, I buy lottery tickets hoping that I win big, so I can fund Aphasia Communication Groups in Nova Scotia Regions.

Now what?

I don't know!

Without people who have an interest helping people with aphasia...probably family, friends and communities of people with help "the cause".

There doesn't seem to be the money from the Canada Government or the Nova Scotia Government to set up better adult language services, let alone Aphasia Communication Groups in our Regions. AND, the Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Centre doesn't seem to be interested in putting more money and changing "their" manner of delivering adult language services. AND, the Nova Scotia Department of Health doesn't seem to be interested in "their" responsibility to make sure that those dollars are spent fairly for "all" people with have hearing and speech disorders. And, IF the Department of Health took their responibilities seriously, "They" would ask questions from the NSHSC to see how many people use their services by disorders, age and in region.
So, they could make sure that they are helping the population of Nova Scotia communicate.

I guess I'm in the "irons"... trying to sail "in" to the wind, instead of sailing with the wind.